Digital Dashboard

Alliance for Global Water Adaption wanted to launch a digital dashboard for the homepage of their site that would display water usage across the world. This feature would be a great addition to the site as it would add and interactive feature that would to appealing to users as well as informative.


As this design includes lots of statistics accurate research was required in order to display accurate results. There are many different statistics surrounding global water usage, so it tough to choose which ones were most important. The main categories showcased on this dashboard are top countries with the most water use per year, where users of the dashboard are living, age range of users, total percentage of users from the top three countries, water intake by month, and a personal daily water tracker.

Color and Type Studies

Color and type are especially important in a design like this because the information needs to be able to be understood easily without other distractions. Blue is the color most commonly associated with water, so I chose to stick within that family for the design.


Prototyping a dashboard like this is very important because it shows how it would actually function on a site. This is also when you will be able to tell what is working with a user flow and what is not.


This dashboard help keep user of the site engage with what is going on at Alliance for Global Water Adaption. Having a dashboard like this on their homepage will entice user to want to look though their site more and learn about their programs. This is also a fun interactive feature that will interest new users and show the impacts of water usage around the world.


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Motion Graphics